sape pernah gado ngn besfriend sndiri?
mesti jarang kan?
ok..hell yes..nampak sgt la kan ak pernah..
but i'm not that cruel sampai x reti nk mntak maaf
i'm sorry ok..
" die dah ade life sndiri
die dunie die..saye dunie saye
saye x setaraf dengan die
die pandai saye x
die kapel x bgtau saye
ape yg saye buat die x hargai"
i don't mean to take things for granted lah
agaknye if that super cool sis tu x bgatu sampai kiamat pn ak xtau
kalau ak kesah pasal taraf da lame ak x kawan ngn kau
see? don't underestimate the new me lah
i'm totally different than before
and u too..until i can't recognize u like before
i have feeling to take care..not to be hurt!
like i'm the one yang buat disaster in our relationship
why don't u just forgive me
make a new chapter of our story
its not that hard kan?
xtenang ak kalau ak mati nanti sebab bestie sndiri x maafkan ak
hmm...i'm sorry..
really really do
its up to u
take as long time as u need
anyway bon..
i still remember u as my bestie
won't forget u
and i really appreciate all those things you've done to me
cume ak x reti mcm mane nk tunjuk ak pnye appreciate tu kat ko
thanx a lot