Dec 17, 2010

General Principle of Law 2

assalamualaikum :)

hee..ok..crita hangat kt Uia PJ sekarang...oh bukan...hari ni...
sebab tiba2 exam GPL2 postpone...
da la mcm org x cukup masa nk study..pakat la kitorang ni stdy group lah..stay up malam2 lah...
tp bila sampai je nk masuk exam pkul 8,,ade lecturer kluar kt pintu...
padahal budak2 dah beratur nk masuk dewan....
die ckp exm postpone pukul 9 setengah...itu boleh tahan lg...kitorg ni pn ape lg...amek la mase nk revise balik ape2 yang patut...tup tup...mase tgah revise nmpak madam Rizq...
igtkan nk tegur..then madam trus tanye "eh..u all amek paper GPL2 kan? bley x paggil budak2 yg amek paper same dengan u all pergi anex sekarang..kite exam sekarang.."
pergh...rase mcm nk tercabut jantung mase jelah sape2 yg patut kt Farah pegi bgtau budak2 yg duduk kt dewan....
then..nk jadikan crita..ktorg tggu la depan anex ni..daripada starting berdiri last2 sume dduk kt lantai anex tuh..revise lagi....n revise lg...ape lg,.tahap confident mmg da high la kan...
tibe2 handset ak vibrate..cik abang call..."ma...exam postpone hari isnin ni......kejap lagi kak shasha tampal notis..." mmg rase nk menangis la kan mase dapat tau tu...haih.nasib badan btol....

part yang kelakar...ktorg bgtau budak2 second year dekat dengan ktorg tu...
akk...exm postpone hari isnin...baru dpt tau td....
akk tu kecik2 je..muke pn cam baik....tapi pas die dpt tau..die pusing kt kawan die cakap
"what the 'F'!! " hahahahaha....terkejut ktorg td...cayalah akak! ganas tuh...hehehehe

ni sebab2 kenapa ktorg postpone exm...

dear students of GPL2, just to let u know, earlier, maths only informed DOSP that they hv 100 candidates for this morning exam. Suddenly yesterday, they informed the DOSP that they hv extra 100 candidates (that makes it 200) sbb tu jadi tak cukup..and law dept was not informed by DOSP until this morning.. penat aku ke hulu ke hilir..demmit

ni ayat bro M. dalam fb....haaaa.....sebab ni lah..
sesuke hati diorang je nk amek tempat exm kitorg...
tau r ktorg je budak arts kt sini...semua mcm bengang gler td....
yelah...kalau ye pun nk discriminate ktorg.....buat la care elok.....smpai nk kenekan budak law mase exm ape kes weh.....kitorg ade HUMAN RIGHTS tau tak!!!!!!!

kelam kabut ktorg tengok madam Rizq td....
kesian die...
ok lah...secara jujur la kan....ape lah sangat kongsi Uia PJ ni dengan kitorang...
same je...ktorg datang kan nk belajar jugak...x salah pun kan.....
jangan lah sempitkan mind korang sampai apa2 yang ktorg buat semua kene kritik....
pasal poster mock trial lg lah teruk kena....
why not we live peacefully together here...??
lepas ni pergi main campus lagi lah dengan ramai org kita kene kongsi....
mane boleh kedekut...
hmmm...malas nk comment lebih2...ikut lah ape yg korng nk buat n fikir....
but tolonglah fikir btol2 before amek ape2 action....
fikir lah.... ape prasaan korang if kitorg buat korang macam tuh....sakit hati x??
maybe lah ni dugaan untuk ktorg kan...ade hikmah x dapat exm hari ni....
maybe esok lusa bila exm ktorg dapat jawab dengan tenang n baik   :) who knows kan???

sila lah fikir dahulu sebelum buat ape-ape tindakan ye..... >.<

ak bengang sekejap je...sbb nanti daus bising..."cube lah jgn fikir sgt ape org laen buat..biar je.."
hehe..ok :) so malas nak fikir..
lgpun tadi parent ak datang...bawak keluar makan KFC...
so x rase pape...sronok je sebab da lame x jumpa parent...
oklah...dai2 ~~~ ;)

Nov 29, 2010


ok..skip from study and siapkan assingment sekejap...kejap lagi aku sambung :)
once again orang cakap aku ni macam garang.. yeke?
ok ok...aku admit ak ni susah sikit nak senyum...sorry sangat2 ye :)
lagi satu, ak ni bukan jenis pot pet pot pet...penat mulut nk bercakap..
camni lah...i'll tell u guys half about me ok? just read it :)

Anis Adibah Bt Yusof
Kuantan, Pahang
Anak ke-3 from 7 org adik beradik
tgah study Foundation of Laws
UIA Petaling Jaya

of cos la girl kan?
ade Daus
and Billy jugak :)

x suka bercakap banyak sgt
dalam kelas lg suka senyap
org yg ak rapat je baru ak ckp byk2
suka bg org nasihat
rasa macam ak sayang orang tu
suka bila orang cakap ak mcm kakak
sebab ak x suka and mmg x reti nk manja2 mcm adik
gila novel sgt2
satu hari da boleh habis
suka coklat tp sekarang da kurang
suka tempat yang kemas n x serabut
cepat kenyang bila makan
suka kumpul baju banyak2
suka bila ada duit jelah
ohh..sila jgn buat ak marah
sebab nnti ak akan rase nk bunuh org
tp xdek la ak buat.. :)
lg satu..
ak x suka org menyibuk hal aku
if aku buat salah silakan la tegur
but tolonglah jgn mengumpat
sila jaga tepi kain sndiri dulu
and sila jangan menipu!
sebab nnti mseti kantoi jugak
macamlah ak xley cari ape yang betul sendiri kan?
i'm a part time stalker ok! :)

panjang da ni..lgpun ak cakap nk bagi separuh je kan..k lah..enjoy!
oh...sorry if terkasar bahasa...ampun n maaf dipinta ya..  (^ ^)

Nov 27, 2010

27 NOVEMBER 2010

first date :)
i'm not gonna write long on this post
already exhausted for today!
just read the picture okeyh.. :)

excited makan donut..haha

he got the ballon from one guy yg buat bentuk-bentuk kt belon tu :)

my birthday present from Daus :)
his name is Billy.....!

i have a great time at Mid Valley Megamall
Rapunzel movie..
Dunkin Donut..
Expensive Ice Cream..
and jalan-jalan sampai mengah + lenguh kaki...
thanx a lot dear.. :)

25 NOVEMBER 2010

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to ANIS, AINA and AMNA
happy birthday to you...... :)

yup..thats the truth..
i have same birthday with my classmate
happy birthday u two
may God bless u :)

i got hundreds of wishes in facebook!
i was awesome!
feeling like everybody celebrate your birthday
cool rite??

special present from my lovely Along :)
he make a video birthday for me
with his Almond's band
admired him most when he play the guitar!

and cute chocolate :)

 thanx a lot Along!! :)
love u lah...hehe

Nov 23, 2010

sakit hati =.="

hmm..da lame x rase membara camni...
xyah r nk buat sampai org laen boleh mencarut..nnti kata org xdek bahasa lah..kurang ajar lah..
tau lah pandai...yeke?? or sebenarnye that was just from the outside???

hey people:
when we work as a team mate..u have to listen to others opinion..
there's no leader between us! so don't act like u are the one!!
and don't make others like a they are tooooooo stupid to give any ideas on that particular topics..
ohh..when others still talking..pliss lahhh...DENGAR! n JANGAN MENYAMPUK!
fine! knape x ckp je awal2 if xnk dengar opinion drpd kitorang...kan senang..xyah ktorg datang discussion kan?
buat menyemak je..then every single thing korang buat lah...the end!

fuhh..ok..melompat-lompatlah syaitan kt tepi, belang, depan, and atas aku sekarang...
tempat x sesuai..xkn nk gi ambil air sembahyang...nasib baik habis cepat...
boleh blah n hirup udara segar kt UIA nii...malas nk pikir lepas habis discussion td...
makan lagi bagus..i think after this i have to find any doa yang boleh prevent from marah-marah and segala bagai....

a'uzubillah himinashaithonirrojim.....
" aku berlindung kepada Allah daripada syaitan yang direjam"

jumpa ayat ni mase bace buku Naza..thanx ek Naza (my room mate)

Dari Aisyah ra. dia berkata:
" tidak pernah Rasulullah SAW memukul sesuatu dengan tangannya, sama ada perempuan dan khadam kecuali di dalam peperangan pada jalan Allah dan tidak pernah membalas satu perbuatan salah sahabat baginda terhadap diri baginda dengan perbuatannya (dimaafkan dan diampunkan) kecuali dilanggar apa-apa yang diharamkan Allah, barulah baginda membalas kerana Allah SWT."

conclusion nya...malas nk marah-marah..sebab xdapat ape2 pn sebenarnye...
td dah marah..bia sampai situ je..dengan senang hati..aku maafkan korang (sape2 yg berkenaan)
kosong-kosong :)

Nov 22, 2010


already deleted that picture
please smile again :)
i hate when people sad because of me
i'm trying my best here
senyum tau!

Nov 20, 2010

Nov 18, 2010


pagi2 bangun tido dengar bising2 kat dapur...

mama: ic mama brape?
mama: aih...ape ni...kate x ingat pn!
baba: haha..btollah syg...salah eh? x ingat lah..heheh
mama: alahh...ic mama pn x igt..mama je igt ic babah..
baba: lalaaa...babah klu mama suruh igt no mmg babah xbley..suruh kire boleh lah..heee
mama: yelah tu..naseb baek sayang...

aa...nk jugak mcm diorg..boley x?? hehe

time tgh minum petang...

kakde: mama..nk abes dah kakde bace novel tu..
mama: yg mane..?
kakde: alaa...yg kakde baru amek giler cite tu..heheh
baba: *buat muke x faham
kakde: baba dah bace? nk try? best!
mama: hmm..baba..mane nk bace novel..jgn harap...~~
kakde: heh? best lah bah..mcm bace buku FIZIK..hahaha
mama: hahahha..dah kene
baba: *tersedak + hahahha..pandailah kau...

sebab baba suke fizik..die kn lecturer fizik..heheh..
diorg asyik berkepit je klu cuti same..haih..jeles2..heheh...even mama nk msk tghari or malam or pagi pn mesti baba ade jgk..teman mama die ckp..da la plan nk pegi holiday berdue if ktorg da keje nnti..x aci betul! hehe..sweet kan? sayang gile kt diorg sbb..sebab diorg lah kakde ni ade happy family. :) thanx mama n baba!

Nov 17, 2010

my along pliss :)

hey Along..
thanx a lot ok.. :)
n don't forget
next time i ring ring u
make sure u play your guitar for me

bad day..i guess??

first :

petang2 da kene tinggal sorg2 dekat rumah
padan muke! sape suruh tido kan??
then xdek letrik..sgt best.. =.="

second :
baru nk gi kedai..
sgt sgt sgt best!
thanx to ubat gamat..
u save my leg lah..heheh :)

Nov 15, 2010


i got these messages before Maghrib today :

sabda Nabi dlm hadis sohih;
"sesiapa yg berpuasa Hari Arafah (esok,selasa, 16hb nov)
maka akan diampunkan segala dosa2nya setahun
sebelum dan setahun selepasnya"
"tidak ada satu hari yang lebih banyak Allah ampunkan
dosa umatnya selain Hari Arafah"
Jom kita sama2 puasa esok. Moga2 tahannya nafsu kita
hari esok akan mampu memadamkan segala dosa2
kita dan memudahkan kita di akhirat kelak..ayuh kita sama2
sambut peluang ini. Inya-Allah
from Azmi :) 15th November is Wukuf time at Arafah.
Wukuf is the time when all seven heavens open up, when no 
veils exist between the slaves and his Lord,
the best time in the entire year for doa and prayers.
Do make full use of this small but finite time window of several
hours that transcends into our maghrib time as well.
-just sharing with my love ones

from Illya Syaheedah :)

thanx guys..really2 appreciate it (^ ^)
hey (^ ^)

feeling like to love them :)



Nov 14, 2010

ticket trip :)

11a.m :
siap2 dengan Illya...
tggu Hamzah 'Azhan yg baru nk mandi..
bajet dlm purse : RM62
so..pukul 11 lebih baru kitorang gerak....

Plan utama:
beli tiket balik raye haji dekat pekeliling..
pegi The Mall..
visit Myra dekat PPUM

hehe..ok2..Along xdek duet kakak yg jd mangse kene blanje die..x kesah pn sebab da ajak die teman kan,..along nk ikut pn da kre bersyukur gile..klu x alamatnye pergi sorang jelah.. :(  then Illya pun ikut..thanx sgt2 ek Illya..ok..nk stat cite nih...dri UIA pegi KL Sentral ok jer..naek bas...dlm 10-15mnt da smpai..then kitorg naek monorel pegi Titiwangsa..ramai kot dlm monorel kene lah berdiri je...smpai kt stesen ape nth bru kitorg dpt duduk...Along keje die asyik menyakat Illya jer..haha..then mcj..nth ngn sape nth die mcj...ak layan jer..x kesah..

then...sampailah kitorg kt stesen Titiwangsa @ Pekeliling...wuhuuu! dpt beli tiket balik,,,! yg x bestnye tiket pagi dah sold beli tiket tgahari..pukul 12.30 ari Rabu...KUANTAN! here i come! hehehehe....
nk ponteng ari Jumaat nnty..bia r,..bukan ade org pn dtg klas nnty...hope so lah trip..The Mall...sebab Along da kebulur dri pagi...ak pn same...perut da mane gendang dh..wlaupun Along ckp ak xdek perut...pape jelah Along~~ ade byk choice tmpat makanan kt situ...ade KFC..MCD..FOOD COURT..KEBAB..CHICKEN RICE SHOP..ROTI..KUIH RAYE PN disebabkan masing2 da x tahan lapa..kitorg decide gi mkn dekat Food Court jer...mahal die bley tahan gk r..adeyai...da la sengkek masing2 mase along order nasi ape nth..Illya order Tomato Rice n ak order mee..x ingt la name die ape...air die mahal kot..grape biase je tp RM2.00..haih...sabar jelah...mkn2..cite la psal sekolah masing2..Along kan SASER..Illya SAMURA..ak lak SESERI..heee...pasal senior lah..orentasi..n mcm2 lg r ktorg cite Along cm bahaye xleh r cite kt sini..bia jd rhsie ktorg bertiga... :) Along ckp ktorg makan cover...mane ade lah..da mmg stail mkn cmtu...nk wat camne an..hehe..sopan lah..bukan cover.. :)

after eating2 smpai kenyang..ktorg gi Pet Shop yg ade kt situ..ade Hamster yg sgt gemok! haha..comel giler...ketam yg still dlm cangkerang die pn ade...sume ak pegang..hee..x nmpak pn ade amaran kt situ.. *DO NOT TOUCH! hahaha...bia r..da pegang  da pn..ade kucing asyik tdo je..ketuk cermin die pn buat x tau je..lena sgt... :)..then ktorg pegi Toy Shop kt level atas...byk gile mainan...paling best..ade satu castle kecik wane pink kt belakang..Along muat kot dlm 2!! die masuk dlm 2..comel jer..hahahaa

see? comel kan?? hahaha...besa la jugak..then kitorg maen mainan kt situ..ade pistol..piano kecik..patung belon..habis ak ngn Illya kene ketuk ngn Along..then die kene smule..padan muke! haha..ade kipas...teddy bear bunyi2 pn ade..haha..best2!! then kitorg nasok dlm satu kedai ni..banyak gile patung2 kayu..menakutkan jugak r kedai 2...mcm kedai Siam..hehehe..sesuke hati je ktorg maen patung2 yg ade kt situ..first time masok kedai 2...then gi smbahyang kt surau yg ade kt situ..

kedai lagi! hehe...kitorg masok kedai ape cm brg2 tuk girl r...ade rambut palsu..sepit r murah gk r...ktorg buli Along..suruh die pakai rambut palsu..then pakaikan die sepit rambut banyak2...Along comel! hahah..then masok pulak Parkson....pegi lg kt tempat mainan..heheh...tempat mainan sgt best! ade mcm2...da penat da sbnrnye mase 2...kt lua plak da ktorg decide nk balik before hujan..naek LRT pegi Masjid Jamek..da nk pokai da duit mase 2...sadis gile..hehe..beli tiket gi Stesen Universiti...Illya nk kua die x bwk kad xjd kuakan duit...

nk jdkan cite da penat mase 2...ak lah..da masukkan tiket..sepatutnya amek smule tiket tinggal je tros...ttibe ade org blakang panggil...dik2..!tiket! aaaaa~! sumpah malu gile! panas ase muke mase 2...adeyaii....seb seb pegang sweater Along mase 2...ttup muke jp...heee..da la ramai org mase 2...malu.....!
haih..redo je..then tggu la train smpai..ramai yg amat...sempit2 dlm 2...da la bau rokok! urghhh! xsuke org merokok! tga sempit2 2...baru trase yg diri ni kecik upenye..tersepit kt tengah2 lak 2..haih...sob sob.. ttibe..aaaa! ade org langgar sebab train 2 cm brek...siap dpt pakej  kene pijak kaki lg...uu,..sakit..sabar jelah....then smpai KL Sentral bru la x rmai org..bernafas dgn slesa~~ hehehehe...

smpai stesen U hujan lebat sgt...siap ade kilat n guruh lg...ktorg lepak lah kt situ dulu...sbb pasni nk gi visit Myra..dduk kt situ lyn lagu..then call mama mntak masuk duit..pokai sgt2 dah mase 2..mmg utk mkn mlm xdek bajet lgsung dh... :) mama ckp nk masuk RM100 mlm nnti..heee...thanx ma! dengar lagu..lyan hnset masing2...kul 5 kitorg gerak...basah jugak kain mase 2..tggu bas..then along bagi mende ni.. :

i'll keep it ok Along! :) then gi la tgok Myra..hujan mase 2..basah kitorg...lapar pn ye jgk...mase lwt Myra xdek pape story sgt,,,die kne operate sbb ade problem ngn tekak die..sekejap je..sbnrnye ktorg da mmg xdek beli jgk biskut tuk Myra..hehe..mase balik tuh cm menyesal jp..sbb masing2 da lapar...huu...sedih! then kua je dri UM  hujan lebat sgt....habis basah kuyup ktorg...kene jlan lg nk gi  bus stop...adeyai...lg la basah kan...bas pulak lambat dtg...cukup2 je duit nk balik..tggal RM2..cukup utk ak n along...smapi je UiA ktorg gi gerai MeLex..nk makan...mintak simpati..along r paling pandai skali...buat crite ktorg kene pau..hahaha..da la kene jln jaoh..along punye pasal jugak! awal sgt nk turun..heheheehehe
then mkn kuew tiow...sedap...pnjam duet org..heheh..n aiskrim goreng... :) habis mkn balik~~


Sep 8, 2010

adik + budak

first thing first....kakak nk pesan..jgn gado2 ey bace blog ni..sbb kakak letak adik dulu..then baru budak.. :)

adik: to describe??
Farah Ezzati bt Zulkipli
mmg layak jd adik wlupun sbnrnye die ank second
she kinda beautiful + sweet
love PINK!
*sebab 2 la ADIK IPAR bley sangkut*
and of course manje
kate org:
"farah mesti ramai kawan kan?"
"yela..sebab die peramah..senang nk kawan ngn die"
wuhuuu..gile ah adik!! bangge kakak dengar
she's smart 2..pandai ILH  ;)
then suke mcj dengan AZHAM mase dlm klas!
m..and a  very supportive person 
sbb die msti nk cri sape yg wat kalau ak sedih
and..die akn ckp "DAUS buat eyh??"
cian daus.. :)
recently, she bought a new handphone!
insyaAllah same ngn ak nnti.. ( hope so laa ) a conclusion...
i'm glad to have FARAH as my lil sis...
be my sister sampai bile2 tau?? u la!!

Hamzah b. 'Azham
my twin..
pandai giler BI and sume subject.. *jeles! haha*
good listener and motivator
*bak kate SHARIL n ramai lg ah*
kinda sweet talker
sebab budak tersangat SWEET dengan MIRA@ MIA
caring + baik gler ngn member
but maybe a little bit sensitive
tu pon sensitive nye seciput je..
sikit sgt...haha
n suke x dtg kelas!
but its not his false
hey..sorry sebab rase left out by me, daus and adik
kitorng x sengaje :)
most important part is:
he teach me the so-called 'Wonder of Love'
haha..thanx a lot budak
kakak syg giler daus sekarang!
glad to have u as my twin!
we always be the twin kn??
sebab kite banyak same... :)

my becoming lil brother
sronok ase dpt tambah adik baru ni :)
welcome adik fauzan!

he have his lil brother too
Syafiq Aziz Puncher
sweet gler diorg ni..
hey sharil...
jgn kuat buli pucher sgt..nnty die mrajok
jgn gado2 jugak tau!
ko abg..patut mngalah ngn die
janji smpai 50 tahun lg ey??
haha..kitorg sampai akhir hayat!
best x???

now the best thing is
i got back my twin and adik lepas few weeks ktorg x bertegur
thanx a lot guys
for completing my life and showing me the true colors of friendship!

p/s: dear daus..don't get jealous ok....i wont leave u..dun u dear! 

Sep 3, 2010

mood balik uma :)

hmmm..actually xdek pape pn nk cite
tp cam da lame x update  blog..rindu kot..heheh
semalam xdek story yg best pon
sume mcm biase je n klas FIM ppon da settle 
tp macam ngntok sgt dlm klas
bukan macam dh..mmg ngntok sgt pon..trok btol kn??
but bile balek bilik dlm ati niat nk smbung study
so on la FB kejap n ttibe kaksu anta chat
"anis, kaksu nk kol boley?"
sah2 la ak ckp boley..ur my sister kn?? :)
m...kaksu still try nk jd kuat after die ilang HAFIZ
kalau la ak ade kt depan kaksu, da lame da ak peluk die
nk kongsi smangat sbb die still nanges lg smlm
ak da x larat da nk nanges coz da penat stu ari nanges aritu
n da promise kt DAUS yg ak xnk nanges
but cane klu mende 2 btol2 sedih r?? xkn x nanges kot....
heheh..ntah la..hope everything will be fine..
tp after kaksu kol 2 sbnrnye smangat ak pun dh mlayang ntah ke mane
study kjap pastu tido
n lupe nk ble makanan
soo..xmkn la ak stu ari smalam

malam....kitorg ade jamuan or makan2 ngn clasmate :)
sebab madam Rizq bg 'so called' like duet raye kt kitorg
hehe..thanx madam!
diorg decide bli domino..mkn2!!
ntah la..but ak rase cm bese je smlm
xtau ape yg interesting mase mkn2...domino tu jela kot yg interesting :D
sbb boys dok stu group ngn boys
gurls ngn gurls
mkn sndiri2 jer
but its ok la kn..dpt jgk makan byk2..
n again..daus tuntut janji ak tuk suap die
tp ak x wat hehe..sorry dear
dun fine day nnti anis wat ok?? ily.. :)
balik..mood bosan tros dtg...
tgk movie..maen game
anta mcj kt daus..but die ade " boys discussion "
then x smpai bape minit pn daus kol...
borak la mmanjang ngn daus :)
then he tell me something about one of our classmate
hmm..ntah nk komen..but i'll read that blog soon
borak punye borak rupenye daus x buat super savers!
bagos btol kn? free je kredit abes..hehehe
cian my dear..laen kali check dulu tau..jgn maen kol jer :)
m...ok la..smpai sini je kot..
td ak da bace blog Fauzan
cool n sgt interesting!
sape nk tau g la bukak blog die..
its about our pasal bos jela..
bye.. :)
imy dear...

Sep 1, 2010

crazy day eva!

skip class!
mmg keje gile btol ase
skip utk sebab yg x munasabah langsung!
huuu..takot dah nk wat pasni
klu mama tau..aduhh
mmg free r kene lecture an... :D
and nnti daus pon marah jugak.. :)
tp mcm best je..
sbb dpt tido lame2
tp bangun je mate suda BENGKAK
burok btol ase..hehehehe

then balek bilik..
daus kol
die kol kt bwh meje mase klas arab.. hehe
"nape x gi klas??"
uhuuu...takot nk jwb mase tu sbnarnye
sorry dear
"petang ni gi klas tau!"
hehehe..ok dear
"jgn nanges2 da tau, xsuke anis nanges2"
ok dear..promise!
"i miss u"
ohoo...i miss u too!
nk jatuh jap mase tuh..hahaha

then gi la klas FIM
org ke-2 smpai..huhu
awl sgt ke??
hehehe..arini byk sgt gelak
thanx 2 my dear daus
die la penyebabnye! :)
balek klas..
bukak FB
tgk ade la tag...(from DAUS)
i miss u Anis Adibah so much!
uhuuu..terharu jp :)
nk tiru la...
then jd la:
i miss Muhammad Firdaus Samad so much!

aleen chui chui:
rindu ko sgt2!!
make sure ko dtg uia pasni tau!!
n dtg kuantan
tido uma aku!
hehehe :)

ily dear! ;)

Aug 31, 2010


sorry dear
ok..its my fault
wake up late
no food at the cafe
spicy food

forgive me you dear :(


oh..feeling so bad right now
i just got to know that my senior had past away this morning
i don't believe it!
and i cry sooooo much today
sampai mate bengkak
he's too kind to me
then baru2 ni baru je chat ngn die dekat FB
and we plan to meet with each other
nk buke puase same2
he still young n still trying to find a work that suite him
menyesal gile2 x jd balik mggu lepas
klu x msti da dpt jumpe die
i know this news last night actually
because kaksu sent me a message
"kaksu kat hospital ni..hafiz supervisor accident.
kritikal. doakan die selamat"
urghh..knape la ak mamai mase tuh....!!
subuh td ak kol kaksu
xsempat ckp pape lg kaksu da ckp
"hafiz da xde...."
trus ak nanges..sgt2..
tp kaksu lg terkesan..
sbb hafiz accident lepas die g buke puase ngn kaksu
accident kul 11 tp org jumpe die kul 1
Allah sygkan die..Innalillah...

to kaksu:
please be strong..
thats not your fault
HE love him

thanx for being a good friend of mine
i miss u so much
and i miss the time when we watch movie together with kaksu
sory..sbb x sempat nk bg kasut merah yg ko nk
ak doakan ko bhgie kt sane
and ditempatkan dgn org2 beriman

to all who read this blog
sedekahkan al-Fatihah pada arwah

al-fatihah :'(

Aug 26, 2010


 carry mark:
alhamdulillah..satisfied with all the marks
hope that "A" will come to me :)
yeah, and of course i want 3.5 and above
for my future sake kan dear?

changing plan:
sob sob..(daus..anis pnjam tau sob2)
i want to go back home
but there are too much circumstances appear
1) i have no outing book
                                           2) i want to wear other attire besides baju kurung
 3) i am late enough!
   soo...there no other choice for me
  then i call mama and tell her what is happening actually
    i feel so sad until my tears drop when i speak to her :'(
sorry mama..
but thanks to my dear daus
   he always there when i'm sad (thanks a lot dear)
and he makes  me smile again and again

break fast:
nasi putih with daging :)
and i have it with my dear daus
2nd time we had break fast together
and he bought me BIG APPLE!
i love it very much!
we talk a lot while eat :)
about our childhood time
about "kari" and others
and i enjoy it very much
hope we can have it again next time :)
thanks for everything dear..
luv u lah!

smile :)

Aug 25, 2010


whats wrong with u?
stop calling me again and again!
its suck!
and i hate it!

can i off my phone?

Aug 24, 2010


got full marks for ILH quiz this morning!
haha..thank God
x susah sgt pn sbnrnye..
but it carry a lot for final exam
n today is the last day for ILH class
 madam said:
" is our last class, so no more class after this"
haha..thats awesome! 

and mama text me after that:
"ude, camne quiz? boley wat x?"
yes mama..and i got full mark :)

hey dear..
mama said congrats to u too
sbb dpt full mark  :)

sophie my roomate:
"anis, u nk order x malam ni?"
of course i nk.. :) hee
we gonna have MCD for our break fast!

dear firdaus..
imy n ily  :)

enough for today ;)

Aug 23, 2010

break fast..

hee..i have a buka puase with my dear daus and his angah
seriously im scared that time
it is all becoz of daus (-.-)
pndai btol bg idea kan??
im not mad pun la dear
cuak je lbeyh mase tu
but angah n abg wan sgt2 friendly
n i feel like eating with my own family :)
thanks a lot dear
sbb blikan food :)
n for everything (^ ^)

hmm...budak is mad at me..
xtau knape die nk mrh
bile tnye xnk plak jwb :(

iftar jamaie:
hehe...again..buka puase with my dear daus :)
tp bukan satu meje la
im sitting with my gurlfriend: farah n fateha
ayam msk merah die sgt2 la PEDAS
panas je muke mase mkn..
but its still good n delicious

again...budak mcm marah lg...
hope we can act like before
and hey..i miss my dear daus.. :)

luv u dear <3

Aug 22, 2010

dear.. :)

i've already read your blog
byknye komen..
abes satu ari pnye cite kua..
next time i'll wake u up plak ek??

thanx 4 waking me up
almost every morning kn??

xtau nk ckp pe dh...
ily.. :)


Aug 20, 2010

legal career... :)

alhamdulillah ;)
sronok giler bile sume da setel..
mane x nye..
nk buat punye la payah
but its FUN actually

arbitration centre:
xdek la jaoh sgt dri UIA sbnarnye
nek teksi
ingatkn cabbie tu tau
rupenye x
ktorg pn join skali cri jln..haha
kt jln Conley jer.. :)
tugas ak: CAMHORE
haha...Sharil yg bagi name tu...
sbb ak je yg reti gune vdeocam
tp nk rekod vdeo..
punye la lame..
berdiri lak tu
redo2... ;D

bye2 arbitration centre:
tgk wayang
sbb kitorang berjaye setelkan awl...
should be balek CFS
tp sume xnk..haha

exhibition day:
all black attire
serious presentation
video presentation
sume gaye macam future LAWYER
yay!suke giler sume ;D
have some picture with my dear FIRDAUS..
but sorry BUDAK
i'm not used to it
luv u dear... 
                                                                                                                        petang boleh tido.... ;)